Tuesday 4 November 2014

Minister Muzibul Haque got married at 67 years!

0:00 / 05:18
Dhaka: Bangladesh Railway Minister Mujibul Haque, 67, has married 29-year-old Honufa Akhter Rikta in the country's Comilla District.

The wedding took place in the district's Meerkhola Vilage, reports the Prothom Olo daily.

According to the daily, Haque signed the Kabin Nama (marriage document) at around 3 pm on Friday after paying Taka 5,00,001 as denmohor. The wedding was attended by over 700 people from the minister's side.
Apart from four reception gates, most of the intersections on the Dhaka-Chittagong highway were decorated to greet the bridegroom minister. Haque had to pay Taka 1,00,001 to his sisters-in-law for passing the gates to enter the bridal venue.

Monday 3 November 2014

Lovers Joining Hearts

0:00 / 05:18
The Two Lovers big break came in early when backing up a female singer's audition for two New York record men. One of the two record men, Peter Paul, was suitably impressed enough to become their manager. 
A week later, they were themselves auditioning for signed them up that day and the group selected a new name, 
The Four Lovers. The group that ended up recording as The Four Lovers was Frankie Valli (lead vocal, drums),
The quartet released seven singles and one album under the Four Lovers name, with only their debut single,
The single got them their first national television appearance
RCA gave up on the Two Lovers when the group's fifth straight single failed to chart in 1957 and finally dropped the group from its label. The group promptly signed to Epic Records but was quickly dropped when its first single for the label also failed to chart. As a consequence, the discouraged group temporarily disbanded.

Nude Girl Dance

0:00 / 05:18
Mr. Burns ate at Bob's Big Buddha, and the fortune cookie that came with his meal said, "You will find true love on Flag Day.
" Realizing that it was Flag Day and there were only a few hours left, Burns (with Waylon Smithers, Jr. in tow) immediately set out to find his true love. When he saw the strip club's sign reading "Girls! Girls! Girls!", he figured it would be a good place to look: "Perhaps there's some girls in here." Burns and Smithers then went into the club.
On entering the club and looking around, however, Burns was shocked at the sight of the women performing pole dances: "Great Heavens! It's one of those nude female fire stations!" He quickly decided that looking for his true love at Girls! Girls! Girls! would be a waste of time, and said, "I'd always be second place to some kitten stuck in a tree. Let's go, Smithers!"
Burns then looked for Smithers so they could leave, but Smithers was trapped in a corner by two of the dancers. One of them was bent over with her back to him gyrating her buttocks at him, while the other was facing him performing a "bump and grind" dance, to his extreme discomfort.
Presumably Burns was able to rescue Smithers from the dancers, as not long after that they found Gloria at twelve seconds to midnight.

Girl Diching A Man

0:00 / 05:18
took a girl swing dancing a few weeks ago as a first date. We had a really fun first hour or two dancing, then this guy (who was a much more experienced dancer than me, swing has a steep learning curve) danced with her 4ish times in the span of 20 minutes, walking up to us when we were talking and whisking her away into a world of dips and spins. When I came back from a cigarette he was taking her into the side room (which is where I take girls when I want a more intimate environment). I told her that I wasn’t ok with what was going on and she insisted that it was alright because we weren’t in a relationship. She stopped dancing with him and spent the rest of the night with me, but she was cold and standoffish and the date ended not long after.